Studies in the Fantastic [#17]
Studies in the Fantastic is a journal devoted to the speculative, fantastic, and weird in literature and other arts. Contents for this issue include “Zombies in Unexpected Places: Rebellion, Subversion, and the Undead in Romantic Depictions of Obeah” by Lauren Crockett-Girard; “To Reenact the Invisible Monster: Demon House and Fury of the Demon” by Jonathan Devine; “The X-Files: An Introduction” by Caroline Hovanec; “The Truth Is Nowhere” by Jordan S. Carroll; “You Can’t Go Home Again” by Yuly Restrepo Garcés; “Twilight Time” by Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft; “Beholding the Cockroach” by Caroline Hovanec; “The Last of Us, Fungal Entanglements, and Theorizations of Disability Representation” by Anya Heise-von der Lippe; “Wallowing in Blood: The Last of Us Franchise and How Not to Imagine Otherwise” by Geneveive Newman; and “‘Rum, ram, ruf ’ Riders: A Review of Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival” by Michael Helsem.