Thank you for your interest in publishing with the University of Tampa Press. UT Press has a long history of publishing books and series in the areas of regional history, poetry, and the fantastic. We invite proposals for trade and scholarly books focusing on Florida art, culture, and history, especially from African American, Latinx, or Indigenous perspectives. We also welcome proposals for studies of global/international issues, translations of fantastic works, Florida field guides, and creative work in experimental forms, such as cross-genre, multimedia, and short format work. Please read our publication ethics statement before submitting.
Submission Guidelines
Send initial inquiries to UT Press via email ( Please do not send full manuscripts until requested. If your project fits within UT Press’ publishing scope, please send a cover letter and book proposal that includes the following:
- An abstract that describes the work and its contributions. If the project is an edited collection, provide an abstract for each essay.
- Assessment of the project’s merits, including market viability, intended audience, and related published books
- Curriculum vitae for all contributors
- A table of contents with brief summaries
- A timeline for potential completion
- A statement of expected word count and visuals. Please address copyright for any previously published writing or images.
- One or two sample chapters
- If the manuscript is a translation, discuss why the work should be made available in English. Please provide reviews of the original work, if available; any plans regarding annotations, glossary, introduction, or prefatory materials; and all information about rights to the work.
We review only complete digital proposals and will contact you with our decision within approximately 8 weeks of your submission.
Pomme & Pith
We are open for submissions for Pith, A Series of Short Academic Books. All Pith submissions should follow the above guidelines. All Pomme submissions should follow the guidelines posted here. Please note that Pomme, A Novella Series is currently closed for submissions.
Please submit poetry manuscripts to the Tampa Review Prize for Poetry. The press is not currently accepting unsolicited poetry submissions.