By Yuly Restrepo Garcés “Home,” the second episode of season four of The X-Files, and one of its most controversial, makes its intentions known from its first sequence: a disturbing home birth during a dark and stormy night is quickly followed by the burial of the baby, who is born with so many deformities that its survival will… Continue reading You Can’t Go Home Again
Tag: horror
University of Tampa Press Interviews: On Annie Palmer: An Interview with Suzanne Lynch
After the publication of our 13th edition of Studies in the Fantastic, our intern Krystal Conley interviewed Dr. Suzanne Lynch regarding her essay on Annie Palmer, also known as “The White Witch of Rosehall,” a figure of Jamaican folklore later featured in a novel by Herbert G. de Lisser. Dr. Suzanne Lynch writes about the… Continue reading University of Tampa Press Interviews: On Annie Palmer: An Interview with Suzanne Lynch
Tales of the Fantastic: “Rusalki”
A short story by Chrissa Wolfe “The rusalki lure through their movement—spinning, dancing, and singing.” –Jack Zipes Everyone knows the best way to get rid of a body in Florida is to feed it to gators. Dixon had a favorite spot along the river. On special nights he brought his lady friends to this particular bend.… Continue reading Tales of the Fantastic: “Rusalki”